I am not a good cook. Never was, Never is and never will be. I must admit that I really have no interest on it. I'd rather do the laundry on a washing machine and ironing of clothes if I have no choice. Unfortunately, I didn't get my mom's talent in cooking. I think this also came with my attitude with regards to cooking dishes. Once I tried one dish and its a disaster, I stopped and not touch a knife for sometime, until I have the inspiration to start cooking again. I love eating though. That is one thing that will never change. I eat like a dinosour.
I chance upon the blog of Erwan, The Fat Kid Inside. Familiar? Anyway, he has this simple dishes that made me tried one of them. His, the Perfect Omelet. Aside from his dishes, I am now also loving to use Herbs on our meals. I love the taste of it on our foods.
I needed to watch his video while making my own Omelet, otherwise, this may be a disaster.
Here is my version of The Perfect Omelet, although mine was not even so close to perfection.
Because eggs are cheap and Omelet is a simple dish, I was not disheartened on my first try and did the same one on another weekend for breakfast.
Still not perfect but I love the taste now, especially the herbs. Its even healthier.
I didn't really follow every ingredients on his The Perfect Omelet, his herbs is fresh parsley, dill and tarragon.
I use mixed herbs bought from the supermarket. Thyme, Sage, Origanum, Sweet Basil and Marjoram. I love the combination.
Erwan also doesn't want milk on his Omelet but I put some on mine which I find tastier.
I cook it in Olive oil and butter, same as his.
I am now a fan of The Fat Kid Inside. My mom and yours truly are now trying the Summer Chicken Salad. If you want to try his simple dishes and have not met him yet. You can check his
website and see his simple and yet healthy dishes.
All the best,