Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Style&co. shoes

I was never this bold when it come to shoes. I'd rather keep it simple and comfy. But admit it or not, when wearing heels, you feel sexy and you really make an effort to walk with grace. Just like what I did today, I thought a hundredths time if I will wear it or just keep myself in my safe zone before leaving the house. I finally decided that I will wear my shoes. I was still self-conscious while wearing it but then again, hearing my colleagues nice comments really made me more confident in wearing it. I'd like to introduce to you may current love! love! love! Style&co. shoes

I know right?! Its flower printed shoes. Something that is difficult to pair with. What I did was minimize my over all - just a white blouse, a black jacket, jeans and put a little accessories with the same colors to match it (I will post a new entry with this cute thingie) and make the shoes the eye-catching on me. Imagine people looking at my shoes instead of looking at my face. The best thing about it is, I got a good deal out of it from brands for less. Yey!

All the best,

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